Sunday, May 31, 2009

John Ball Zoo

We took advantage of the nice weather and the family zoo membership we got from Sara & Tom this morning.

We learned something: James loves to pretend to be a bear. But when he actually sees one, he totally freaks out.

Fish are more his style.

This was supposed to be a photo of James and Andy with a lion in the background. Unfortunately, James took off yelling "Lion, all done! Lion, all done!" He feels the same way about bears and sheep.
This is the "lion, all done" face.
A happier moment.

Monkeys (and baby ducks in the pond) were happier times.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Spaghetti Eating Technique

Step 1 - Forget the Fork.

Step 2 - Plunge your face directly into the plate.

Step 3 - Slurp up the stragglers.

Step 4 - Talk with your mouth full.

Step 5 - Open wide and show your food.

Yes, he is being raised by wolves. Thanks for asking.

Thursday, May 14, 2009


Remember when a bottle of bubbles was a wonderful thing? Add a battery operated bubble gun and it gets better!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

An Evening with James

An evening with James.

Here I stop to smell the flowers.
Now I say "Whhyyyyy???" here after Mom tells me to stop picking (ripping out) flowers.

After trying to pick every flower in the garden, I try to smoosh ants.

With my plastic garden rake.

Then I dig in the dirt in front of Daddy's barn.

After I get bored with that, I jump off stumps.

An Evening with James II

I like to jump off the stumps in the yard. With my gardening tools in hand.

After jumping off the stump, I spend time running like crazy across the yard...

...and then falling down.

After Daddy's done mowing the lawn, we wrestle.

Then mean Mom makes us go inside for bed!